Covid Report

Online delivery of essential commodities to the resident. Inspection by doctors and staffs from Rynjah Dispensary to all house hold in Nongrim Hills.  Returnee registration…


Office Bearers

The current batch of Office Bearers.

Bantylli Barry
Bantylli Narry,
Rangbah Shnong
Nongrim Hills
Kitbok Kharmawphlang
Kitbok Kharmawphlang,
Rangbah Dong
Lower Nongrim Hills
Wilfred Majaw
Wilfred Majaw,
Rangbah Dong Upper Nongrim Hills
Sebastian War
Sebastian War,
General Secretary Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills
Ethan Dylan
Ethan Dylan Lyngwa, Rangbah Dong, Centre Nongrim Hills
Anu Nongbet
Anu Nongbet,
Treasurer Dorbar Shnong
Nongrim Hills

From the Headman’s Desk

Greetings to you on behalf of the Dorbar Shnong and the Residents of Nongrim Hills. It brings me great joy and pleasure that after a long struggle of more than five years, on this day we can air to the whole world, the presence of a Tribal Institution of Self Governance in the North- Eastern part of India. Traditional Institutions are the most effective administrative self- governance