The History of the
Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills, Shillong

The first prominent settlers in Nongrim Hills were the Kharkongor Clan and a few other families belonging to other clans. These clans are still in the locality till date. Besides the above mentioned, there were non-khasi families who had been residing in Nongrim Hills since the British period, they were those working as clerks, gardeners etc. under the British Government.

The Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills, Shillong, was officially established in the year 1970 as reported by elders of the locality. Before then, the various activities in the locality were run and looked after by the Rangbah Kur (Kharkongor clan elder) from the office of the Kharkongor youngest daughter’s home (ophis Ing Khatduh Kharkongor) Pohkseh.

The last Rangbah Kur, considered the first Rangbah Shnong (Headman) of Nongrim Hills was Parad Phridshon Kharkongor. A few years later the role of Rangbah Shnong was taken over by Ma Kordon Kharumnuid and Ma Odiwell Kharmawphlang took the role of Secretary Shnong. Ma Kordon Kharumnuid was a straight forward and fearless man when it came to matters pertaining to the smooth running of the Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills. His character can be compared to U Soso Tham’s poem “Dieng Bilat”. This gentleman gained the respect of all the residents of Nongrim Hills – young and old, Khasis and Non-Khasis alike. He held office for many years until his demise in 1983 which was a great loss to the locality. It was during his tenure that Nongrim Hills availed the PHE water supply and water connection was given to every household. One cannot forget the effort and the contribution of the then local MLA (L) Bah Peter G Marbaniang who made it possible for the Dorbar Shnong to avail the Nongthymmai – Nongrim Hills – Pohkseh Scheme (NNPS), a water supply scheme from the Wah Umkhen source which is still in use today. Many other elders of the locality and the Meghalaya Government had contributed a lot to achieving the NNPS.

Ma Odiwell Kharmawphlang was one of the pillars of the Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills. He was a knowledgeable and an even-tempered gentleman. He contributed a great deal to the management of the many activities of the Dorbar Shnong from the year he took over till the year 1987.

It was during Ma Kordon Kharumnuid and Ma Odiwell Kharmawphlang’s tenure that the Dorbar Shnong saw how the young boys of the locality were very interested in football and how they were not able to compete with other teams because they were officially under the Nongthymmai Sports Club. It was at this juncture in 1978 that the Dorbar founded the Nongrim Hills Sports Social and Cultural Club (NHSSC) under the leadership of Bah Kolos Sing Shangdiar as President and Bah Albert Roy Mawthoh as the General Secretary. The club and the football team members were very hardworking, the NHSSC soon gained recognition and was affiliated to the Shillong Sports Association in the year 1979 and remains so till today.

After the demise of Ma Kordon Kharumnuid, Bah Kolos Sing Shangdiar took over as Rangbah Shnong. He was lovingly called “Mama BDO” by many in the locality owing to his designation in the Government of Meghalaya. In spite of being a government officer and a busy man, Bah Kolos gave time to the running of the Dorbar Shnong till the year 1987.

In the General Meeting of the Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills in 1987, it was unanimously agreed to reshuffle the office bearers and a set of new office bearers and executive members were elected.

Office bearers (1987)

  • Rangbah Shnong – Bah Hector Roy Pariat (till 1988).
  • Asst. Rangbah Shnong – Bah Albert Roy Mawthoh (till 1988).

  • Acting Rangbah Shnong – Bah Albert Roy Mawthoh (1988-1993).

  • General Secy. – Bah Khrawbok Kharsyntiew.
  • Asst. Gen. Secy.
  • Treasurer – Bah J M Syiem.

This time around, the Dorbar Shnong also founded the Village Defence Party (VDP), the Seng Kynthei and the Seng Samla. These together with the Dorbar Shnong worked side by side in maintaining law and order, development etc. in the locality.

The Dorbar Shnong was just picking up pace and working smoothly especially in the year 1988 – the year of the KSU led agitations when the Rangbah Shnong, Bah Hector Roy Pariat resigned. This, however, did not dampen the spirits of the members of the Dorbar Shnong. The then Asst. Rangbah Shnong , Bah Albert Roy Mawthoh was appointed Acting Rangbah Shnong for the time being.

In the General Meeting of 1993, the annual report of the Dorbar Shnong for the 1987 – 1993 term was presented. New office bearers were elected.

Office bearers (1993)

  • Rangbah Shnong – Bah Albert Roy Mawthoh.
  • Asst. Rangbah Shnong – Bah Julius Carey Gatphoh.
  • General Secy. – Bah Helin R Nongrum.
  • Asst. Gen. Secy. – Bah John Ryntathiang.
  • Treasurer – Bah Juin Manik Syiem.
  • Adviser – Bah Charles Harvey Diengdoh.

It was deemed necessary to appoint a Rangbah Dong in each of the divisions in the Nongrim Hills locality – The Upper Nongrim Hills Block, The Centre Nongrim Hills Block and The Lower Nongrim Hills Block.

Rangbah Dong

  • Upper Nongrim Hills – Bah Fourthly Hek.
  • Centre Nongrim Hills – Bah Burom Wansan.
  • Lower Nongrim Hills – Bah T Hodring Budwar.

Executive Members were elected from each of the blocks (dong) along with the Presidents and the General Secretaries of the Nongrim Hills Sports Social and Cultural Club, Seng Kynthei and Seng Samla as representatives to the Executive Committee. 

This particular Executive Committee was the most significant one as it was during this term that the Dorbar Shnong was able to bring many changes and development to the locality. Besides availing proper and regular water supply, where the PHE constructed a reservoir tank in a plot of land donated by (L) Shri Mukherjee, the Dorbar Shnong was also able to install street lights and maintain law and order; however, the most prominent and memorable achievement was the expansion of the road from the Seventh Day Adventist Church to Lailad, Centre Nongrim Hills. The residents of Nongrim Hills were very generous in giving a portion of their land for the expansion and the office bearers and Executive Members were very generous with their time and effort in this matter. They made time to meet with the land owners in Shillong and even in Nagaland and Delhi. The Nagaland Government and (L) Fakruddin Ali Ahmed’s daughter, Sharmila Begum in Delhi were very generous in parting with a portion of their land to the road expansion. The land on which the North Eastern Council Secretariat stands today then belonged to Smti Parul Das, IAS and Shri Naba Das, IAS. The office bearers had a tough time negotiating with them because of mis-communication and mis-understanding between them. The issue was, however, resolved and Shri Naba Das with great respect for the Dorbar Shnong generously gave whatever land was needed for the expansion. It was at the same time when the approach road from the then Post Office running through the P&T Quarters to the residence of Kong Janet Nongbet was also constructed. The officers of the PWD Central Division, Shillong and the Office of the Chief Engineer PWD have made great and noteworthy contributions to this matter.

In the general meeting in 1998, the Dorbar Shnong presented the annual and financial report and renewed the office bearers, Rangbah Dongs and Executive Members.

Office bearers (1998)

  • Rangbah Shnong – Bah T Hodring Budwar.
  • Asst. Rangbah Shnong – Bah Colin Kharkongor.
  • General Secy. – Bah Helin R Nongrum.
  • Asst. Gen. Secy. – Bah John Gilbert Soanes.
  • Treasurer – Bah Juin Manik Syiem.
  • Auditor – 
  • Adviser – Bah Charles Harvey Diengdoh.

Rangbah Dong

  • Upper Nongrim Hills – Bah Dephrin Laloo.
  • Centre Nongrim Hills – Bah Shining S Lyngwa.
  • Lower Nongrim Hills – Bah Khrawbok Kharsyntiew.

Executive Members

One representative from each of the three blocks – Upper, Centre and Lower Nongrim Hills.
The Presidents and General Secretaries of the Nongrim Hills Sports Social and Cultural Club, Seng Kynthei and Seng Samla.

This time around the Executive Committee was able to further develop Nongrim Hills. The then local MLA Bah R G Lyngdoh contributed by procuring various schemes for the locality. The Dorbar Shnong building, which houses the Dorbar Shnong office, the Dorbar Hall and others, was availed during this period and is in use till date. It is a three storied building built on a 2000 sq.ft. area which was bought from (L) Lakshman Prasad Turaha at a very reasonable rate. The Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills is grateful to the then M P’s Bah O L Nongtdu and Bah P R Kyndiah who contributed Rs 2 lakh each, and the N E C, Rs 16 lakh to the construction of the Dorbar Shnong Building.

It was during this period that the Executive Committee was able to complete many other tasks like repairing roads, footpaths, water tanks etc.

The General Meeting of 28th January 2003 saw a presentation of the annual and financial report and a renewal of the office bearers and the Executive Members.

Office bearers (2003)

  • Rangbah Shnong – Bah Kolos Sing Shangdiar (till 28-6-03).

  • Bah Khrawbok Kharsyntiew (from 15-11-03).

  • Acting Rangbah Shnong – Bah Shining S Lyngwa (from 28-6-03 to 15-11-03).
  • Asst. Rangbah Shnong – Bah Shining S Lyngwa.
  • General Secy. – Bah Helin R Nongrum.
  • Asst. Gen. Secy. – Bah Bantylli Lang Narry.
  • Treasurer – Kong Cerila Khonglah.
  • Auditor – Kong Elmon Lynshiang.
  • Adviser – Bah Charles Harvey Diengdoh & Bah J C Gatphoh.

Rangbah Dong

  • Upper Nongrim Hills – Bah Dephrin Laloo (till January 2005).

  • Bah Bantylli Lang Narry (from January 2005)

  • Centre Nongrim Hills – Bah Kenneth Wahlang.
  • Lower Nongrim Hills – Bah Teibor Nongkynrih.

Executive Members

One representative from each of the three blocks – Upper, Centre and Lower Nongrim Hills.
The Presidents and General Secretaries of the Nongrim Hills Sports Social and Cultural Club, Seng Kynthei and Seng Samla.

A few months after the General Meeting and renewal of office bearers and Executive Members, the Dorbar Shnong had to elect a new Rangbah Shnong since (L) Bah Kolos Sing Shangdiar had to resign due to health issues. For this purpose, the Dorbar Shnong constituted a Committee with the Acting Rangbah Shnong as the Chairman, Bah Bantylli Lang Narry as Convener, the Advisors, Rangbah Dongs, General Secretary, a few elderly gentlemen and ladies as members. This time the election was a little different – the Dorbar Shnong introduced the Ballot voting system. Ballot papers with the names of all eligible males were distributed to all residents above 18 years. Voting took place on the 15th November, 2003 at 8 AM.

The election was run by ex-office bearers and members of the Dorbar Shnong who had moved out of the locality. They are Bah Burom Wansan, Bah Henley Dkhar, Bah Wanpynshngain Narry, (L) Bah Morningstar Shabong, Bah Wallambok Shabong, Bah Pyndap Sohtun and others. The winning candidate was (L) Bah Khrawbok Kharsyntiew who took over as the new Rangbah Shnong.

The new Dorbar Shnong building was officially inaugurated on the 21st December 2003 in the presence of Bah R G Lyngdoh – Home Minister as Chief Guest, Mr P L Thanga – IAS, Secretary North Eastern Council as Guest of Honour and previous Secretary of the NEC, Bah H W T Syiem, Retd. IAS.

The next task of this Executive Committee was to follow up on the promise of the NEC to help the youth of the locality by giving them employment. However, since this promise was not in writing, it proved to be a difficult task. The Dorbar Shnong had to keep on reminding the NEC by writing to them from time to time persuading them to keep their word. Finally, the NEC complied and signed a contract entrusting the House Keeping of the NEC Office to the youth of Nongrim Hills. This contract has provided employment to as many as 21 youth till date.

The Dorbar Shnong was also able to avail the Garbage Truck through the Solid Waste Management Programme of the Urban Affairs Department of the Government of Meghalaya with the help of the local MLA, Bah R G Lyngdoh. He also spoke to the Minister Urban Affair, Bah Friday Lyngdoh to include the Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills in the Nongrim Hills Community Development Society, an organisation specially constituted in order to avail all of the development opportunities from the Central and State Government. The Garbage Truck, however, can function only when there are about 4500 households. As Nongrim hills did not have as many households, the neighbouring localities falling under the Laitumkhrah Constituency then being Lumiawblot, Nongshilliang and Pohkseh had to be included. A working Committee of these four localities was constituted and the Garbage Truck was inaugurated by Bah Friday Lyngdoh, Minister, Urban Affairs. The occasion was chaired by local MLA Bah R G Lyngdoh in the presence of office bearers, Seng Kynthei and Seng Samla of the four localities. The functioning of the Garbage Truck was entrusted to the Anderson Bio-Chemical run by Bah Chris Cajee. The Garbage Truck has served the localities well. 

Nongrim Hills was one of the first localities to make use of the Public Announcement System in the state. This was availed, during this period from the MLA Scheme and it has helped the Dorbar Shnong in providing important information to the residents.

The Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills, during this period, was able to buy a 6000 sq.ft. plot of land in Lower Nongrim Hills for an Indoor Stadium, from shri Submal Mukherjee Tariang at a reasonable rate of Rs.13 lakh. This, again was made possible by the efforts put in by the local MLA, Bah R G Lyngdoh. 

Other activities of the Dorbar Shnong during this period included repairing and construction of roads, footpaths, drains, private street lights and water tanks through various schemes.

A General Meeting was held on the 8th August, 2008 where the Annual Report of the year 2003-2008 was presented and the office bearers and the Executive Members were renewed.

Office bearers

  • Rangbah Shnong – Bah Joshua D Kharkongor.
  • Asst. Rangbah Shnong – Bah A R Mawthoh  (resigned  and taken over by Bah Anu Nongbet).
  • General Secy. – Bah Fredrick Lamare.
  • Asst. Gen. Secy. – Bah Iban Swer.
  • Treasurer – Bah Kenneth Marbaniang.
  • Auditor – Bah H R Nongrum.
  • Adviser – Bah J C Gatphoh.

Rangbah Dong

  • Upper Nongrim Hills – Bah Bantylli Lang Narry.
  • Centre Nongrim Hills – Bah Anu Nongbet.
  • Lower Nongrim Hills – Bah James Robert Lyngwa.

Executive Members

One representative from each of the three blocks – Upper, Centre and Lower Nongrim Hills.
The Presidents and General Secretaries of the Nongrim Hills Sports Social and Cultural Club, Seng Kynthei and Seng Samla.

The new Executive Committee was very different from the previous ones. This is because almost all of the office bearers were under 45 years of age and desired to revamp the working procedures and the running of all the activities in the locality. The first target was to start working from the Dorbar Shnong building by setting up an office there. This was a successful move where all the office bearers and Executive Members attended regularly. This has brought a sense of closeness and unity among all the members of the Dorbar Shnong.