From the Headman’s Desk

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you on behalf of the Dorbar Shnong and the Residents of Nongrim Hills. It brings me great joy and pleasure that after a long struggle of more than five years, on this day we can air to the whole world, the presence of a Tribal Institution of Self Governance in the North- Eastern part of India.

Traditional Institutions are the most effective administrative self- governance systems in the tribal areas of North- East India. In Meghalaya they are known as The Dorbar Shnong and their powers and functions are enshrined in the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India, under Rule 10(3) of the Administration of Mylliem Syiemship Rules, 2015 of the Khasi Hills Autonomous District (Appointment and Succession of Syiem, Deputy Syiem, Electors and Rangbah Shnong of Mylliem Syiemship) Act 2007.

Being the first Dorbar Shnong to ever come up with a website in Meghalaya, we hope that this will boost the morale and enthusiasm of other Dorbar Shnong in the state to come online in the future, to exhibit their activities and governance.

Along with the website, we are also launching the Dorbar Co-Ware, a software made solely for the Dorbar Shnong to manage and maintain the demographics of the respective locality.

Another software we are launching is the Dorbar Co-App, which can be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. This software will help the residents stay in touch with the Dorbar and keep track of announcements and other important information.

We are also taking this opportunity to present “Lest we Forget”, a history of the Dorbar right from its inception till the present day. This history would have not been possible without the contributions of many prominent figures of the locality and to name a few (L) Bah Odin Kharkongor, (L) Bah Phrangsngi Kharkongor and (L) Bah Bernard Khyriem (L) Kong Cerilla Khonglah. Their stories and memories about the activities of the Shnong were inspiring and helpful and I took the opportunity to pen them down, lest they are forgotten and their contributions not recognized.

We are very fortunate for the presence of some stalwarts who have been there since the inception of the Dorbar Shnong Nongrim Hills and even in their prime age, they are still active members of the Dorbar Shnong. Without naming them, our efforts would be incomplete. They are Bah A.R. Mawthoh, former Rangbah Shnong and present President of the Sports Club, Bah J.C. Gatphoh, Chief Adviser of the Dorbar, Kong R. M. Basaiawmoit, former President, Seng Kynthei and present member of Seng Kynthei and Sports Club, and Bah D.D. Laloo, former Executive Member for many years and presently an active member of the Nongrim Hills COVID-19 Team.

I hope that anyone who visits this site will be enlightened through the content. Any feedback or suggestions on our efforts are welcome.

Khublei Shibun and God Bless you all.

Bantyllilang Narry
Rangbah Shnong